Friday, May 28, 2010

Halo: Reach - Bungie ViDoc - Unto the Breach

A really exciting video documentary on the up and incoming Halo: Reach by Bungie.

It's really exciting on the new stuff that's coming into the scene when Reach finally comes out. I almost wanted to squeal of all things when I saw the new assassination animation and the new weapons.

If only I had an Xbox 360.... *sigh*

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Well, hello! Welcome to Victory, Blood Eagle!

This is my gaming blog where I will post about games that I know and games that will come out.

If you're wondering what my blog title means, it is a reference to the game series Starseige: Tribes, which I struggle to play from time to time due to excess lag and a very steep learning curve.

That is all of what I can say now. Hopefully, I can post something about the upcoming game, Halo: Reach, soon.

See ya!